Helpful Articles

Using A Massage Ball

Embarking on a running journey can be both exhilarating and challenging, and often, tight muscles can hinder your progress. Here we'll delve into the therapeutic world of massage balls and explore how these simple tools can be your best companion in alleviating muscle tightness, enhancing flexibility, and ultimately improving your running performance.

Taping: why and how

Going through your running journey involves more than just lacing up your shoes. To keep your stride strong and resilient, there may be times when kinesiotape can come in handy to keep you on the road. Here we'll explore the art and science of using kinesiotape to support your running endeavors, from injury prevention to enhanced performance.

0-5k in 90 days... No Injury

Your 90-day running adventure begins with our latest video guide, where we'll show you how to progress from zero running experience to confidently conquering a 5K race—all without the worry of injuries slowing you down! 🏃‍♂️💨

In this video, we break down the process into manageable steps, providing expert tips and essential advice to ensure a safe and injury-free journey. From setting realistic goals to building stamina and giving yourself time for recovery, we've got you covered.

Freedom from Knee Pain

Step into a world of pain-free movement with our exclusive "Freedom from Knee Pain" workshop – a transformative workshop where we teach many of the strategies that our patients use to get their knee pain under control and move you along your journey towards pain-free knees! 🦵✨

Are you tired of enduring daily knee discomfort that hinders your workouts and dampens your spirit? Our workshop is your pathway to relief, offering expert guidance and practical solutions to reclaim the freedom to move without limits.

Freedom from Shoulder pain

Check out our "Freedom from Shoulder Pain" workshop, where we invite you to unlock a world of pain-free living and rediscover the joy of unrestricted movement! 🌟

Are you tired of persistent shoulder discomfort, limiting your daily activities and affecting your overall well-being? Join us in this empowering workshop as we delve into practical solutions, expert insights, and targeted exercises to liberate you from the grips of shoulder pain. Get the workshop guide and follow along with the workshop video to try these tips!

Freedom from Neck pain

Use this guide from our "Freedom From Neck Pain" workshop to move toward a pain-free and rejuvenated life.

If persistent neck pain is holding you back from enjoying life to the fullest, our workshop is your guide to relief. Led by seasoned experts, this transformative event combines expert insights, practical strategies, and community support to help you bid farewell to neck pain and embrace a life of comfort and well-being. We'll be posting the eBook and video of this workshop soon! You can also keep an eye out for our live events.

Shin Splits

Shin splints are typically an overuse injury in which the muscles of the lower leg are exerting too much pulling on the point where the muscles insert into the bone (the periosteum). Pain may be located at the inside or front of the shin depending on which muscle group is contributing to the problem. This issue is commonly seen in runners, basketball players, and other athletes.


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